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green party in germany造句

  • From 1982 to 1989 he was a professor at the Bundeswehr University Munich, and from 1989 to 1991 he was Professor for Green Party in Germany.
  • In 2002, the Green Party in Germany created a poster to announce their support of same-sex marriage and it featured two female actors reenacting the " Gabrielle " portrait.
  • "Green Politics " ( 1984 ), co-authored by Charlene Spretnak and first analyzes the rise of the Green Party in Germany and similar ecology-oriented political parties in other European countries.
  • Associate assistant at the University of Paris XII-Val de Marne from 1982 on, Otmar Seul is close to the new social movements that will lead to the creation of Green parties in Germany and France.
  • With the rise of the non-Marxist Green Party in Germany and various other countries, some " Guardian " writers and supporters unsuccessfully attempted to re-fashion the " Guardian " to support the Green Party ideologically.
  • It's difficult to see green party in germany in a sentence. 用green party in germany造句挺难的
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